Friday, October 23, 2009

The point of beginning with The Spiritual Axiom is because that simple truth is the all important and all encompassing truth that puts the lie to all egoistic thinking. To put it simply, the ego does not want to hear any truth which doesn't support its great sense of specialness. Humbling truths; those truths which lead us (whether kicking and screaming or finally surrendered to willing compliance) from egoism with its nil capacity to love towards humility with its infinite capacity to love are, of course, the ultimate and final threat to the ego's continued well-being. Thus, obviously, no egoist would have the slightest interest in internalizing such truths, were it not for the mental anguish inherent in the resistance to internalizing them. It is precisely the pain inherent in that resistance which puts the truth to the spiritual axiom. Whenever I am upset inside, no matter what the cause, that upset is a message from my insides stating that there is a humbling truth waiting to be internalized.

Right up into the nineteenth century, perhaps from as far back as 250,000 years ago when tribal living began to include philosophical questions and tribal gods first made their entrance into human thinking, there has been a logical way to surrender to humbling truths and gain wisdom, serenity of spirit, peace of mind, and a daily sense of being at home in one's own skin through the use of a concept of an omnipotent god backing up one's life. I'll let you see if you can figure out what that way would be, and get back to this blogging business later. I've got to go to the drug store and pick up some meds for my wife Marilyn before it closes. Love and Blessings, Chuck

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